Affidavit of Substituted Service


In a B.C. sole divorce, the affidavit of substituted service proves that your spouse was served as described on the substituted service order. The affidavit contains details such as the name and address of the server, the date of service, and how your spouse was served.



The affidavit of substituted service proves to the court that your spouse was served as described in the substituted service order. The affidavit is sworn by the person who served your spouse. In particular, the server must be a third party.

To be eligible to serve your spouse by substituted service, you must first apply to the court and receive permission to do so. Permission is given when the court grants the substituted service order. If you do not have a substituted service order, the court requires that your spouse is personally served.

White glove assembly option:

The affidavit of substituted service requires some assembly. Although our instructions explain the assembly process, we’ll assemble it for you with this option.

How it works:

  • First, add the product to your cart and checkout,
  • Secondly, follow the link on the Divorce App Dashboard to complete the questionnaire.
  • Next, if you have opted for the White Glove option, notify us, and we’ll assemble and email it to you,
  • After that, generate the swearing instructions and give them to your server.
  • Finally, have your server make an appointment with a notary to swear the affidavit.

What’s included:

  • Access to the affidavit of substituted service questionnaire and documents for six months,
  • The instructions for assembling and swearing the affidavit,
  • We guarantee that the affidavit will meet the requirements for an affidavit of service in BC.

What’s not included:

  • The cost of swearing the affidavit is not included.